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Gallery AMB
Tomáš Rajlich
Tomáš Rajlich was born on March 5, 1940
in Jankov near Votic After art studies in Prague (sculpture studio AVU, professors J. Lauda, K. Pokorný
and K. Hladík). Tomas Rajlich established himself on the international art scene primarily as a creator of monochrome structured painting. In 1969 he emigrated to the Netherlands, today he lives and creates alternately in Prague and Verona, Italy.

Bez názvu
2000, akryl na plátně

Bez názvu
1974, akryl na sololitu

Bez názvu
1974, akryl na plátně

Bez názvu
1975, akryl na plátně

Bez názvu
2003, akryl na plátně

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