Gallery AMB
Radoslav Kratina
He was born in 1928 in Brno and died in 1999
in Prague he was a Czech sculptor, graphic artist, industrial designer, photographer, painter
and curator Education: 1952-1957 VŠUP Prague (J. Novák, A. Fišárek) 1943-1948 School of Arts and Crafts Radek Kratiny's work is rational. It excludes subjective handwriting: everything is processed by machine. Emphasizing the movement side of objects, Kratina was close to mimeticism – the number of forms of the sculpture was always infinitely variable. With his art, Kratin wanted to make the viewer play. He thus offered everyone the opportunity to participate in the creation of various forms of individual sculptures.

1966, dural

70. léta, chromované železo

90. léta, dural

1983, černěné železo a hliník

1965 - 68, dřevo, nitroemail