Gallery AMB
Jiří Hilmar
Jiří Hilmar was born on May 23, 1937
in Hradec Kralove. Leading representative of Czech geometric abstraction and op-art, sculptor, painter and graphic artist. He graduated from the high school of art and industry
in Prague and in 1967 he co-founded the first Concrete Club. In 1969 he went to Germany and lived there for many years
in Gelsenkirchen, now he has returned to Bohemia again. The basis of his work is the theme of space, which he perceives not only as a three-dimensional definition, but above all as an environment whose historical and social aspects are shaped by man.

1973, papír, dřevo, 122 x 122 cm

1981, transparentní papír, plátno, dřevo, 120 x 20 cm

1976, šňůry, vosk, papír, plátno, dřevo, 120 x 120 cm

nedatováno, juta, vápno, dřevo, 120 x 95 cm

1987, třešňové dřevo, průměr 40 - 50 cm