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In 2015, we organized the following exhibitions in the AMB Gallery:

Petr Stýblo - Painting, Martin Salajka - Networks (painting), Jana and Antonín Beneš - Streets (photos), Jaromír E. Brabenec - Merry Ellipses (objects), Krzysztof Bartnik - Between Heaven and Earth, Amadeus Popek - Landscapes intimately, Krzysztof Rukaz - lithography (paintings and lithography), Erika Klos - Mutation (graphics), Zdeněk Šplíchal - Intuition, inspiration, interpretation (graphics), Exhibition of reproduction graphics for media, Vladimíra Sedláková - Contemplation of Layers (painting), Karel Malík - Linocuts 1995 - 2015, Winter exhibition of ZUŠ Habrmanova

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